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Involving patients and the public

Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) connects the public with research projects and research organisations. Involvement enables those with lived experience to share their insights and expertise.

Our PPI team provides free support and advice on involving people in their research.

In addition, they provide access to:

  • UHS’s PPI groups, including Adult, Perioperative Medicine, Young Adult (16-24 years) and Children and Young Person’s (8-16 years)
  • A database of people interested in contributing to PPI activities (over 150 members)
  • Under-represented groups through our outreach activities

​Please contact via to discuss your requirements.

Why involve patients and the public?

PPI is key to doing the right research, well. That’s why it is core to nearly all grant calls, and to National Research Ethics Service assessments.

PPIE cuts the risk of false assumptions, draws on the varied skills and experiences of the public.

it could benefit your research through:

  • Insights from lived experience – of a disease or condition, relevant characteristics or lifestyles
  • Ensuring research questions are relevant and reflect the needs of those affected
  • Improving patient experience, study recruitment and retention
  • Assessing ethics/acceptability – helping ensure your research is conducted in a way that is sensitive to the needs and preferences of your participants
  • Assisting with writing in lay language, or sharing with non-English speakers
  • Contribution of skills and expertise to the research - people bring these from their careers and interests not just their health interests.


What does it look like?

Patients and the public involved in your research could:

  • Ensure your study is appropriately designed
  • Comment on ethical issues associated with studies, and addressing these
  • Be part of managing your research. Provide input based on their direct experience of the topic being investigated or target groups
  • Guide the design of questionnaires to ensure reliable, meaningful responses, particularly when addressing sensitive topics
  • Help write and design clear and engaging participant materials

Advise on sharing findings widely and clearly.


We provide guidelines on working with our PPI groups, and a PPI feedback (for completion at the end of your PPI activity).Please see our Standard documents, templates and procedures.